Decoding by Audrey Langevin
28 August 2020
28 August 2020
Temps de lecture : 6 minutes
6 min

15 startups transforming mobility in the UK

How are startups driving the future of mobility? From inclusive route-planning and Electric Vehicles to cycling accessories and a whole new way of thinking about addresses, Maddyness has selected 15 startups that are redesigning the way people move from A to B.
Temps de lecture : 6 minutes

CityMaaS has created an app that delivers inclusive frictionless travel for those that face the hardest barriers. Once a user profile is set up, an innovative UI/UX front-end responds accordingly to the user's disabilities to give the best travel options. Powered by an intelligent algorithm that learns the user's travel behaviours, CityMaas Assist app gives its users the best options in real-time. Offering an end-to-end service from discovery, routing, booking and payment this startup makes every journey easier for everyone.

Discover CityMaas

UK startup Arrival recently raised a €100 million investment from Hyundai and Kia, who will use Arrival technologies to help develop mobility services and electrify their vehicle fleets. Founded in 2015 in London, Arrival is a tech company dedicated to electric vehicles (EV) and creating Generation 2 Electric Vehicles – a new product category that surpasses existing electric vehicles in cost, design and efficiency.

Discover Arrival

Citymapper makes cities massively more manageable through its data-driven travel tech app. Headquartered in London, Citymapper is a small and humble team with backgrounds in transport, Google, startups, apps, design, investment and academia. They aim to solve everyday problems that can genuinely improve the quality of people’s lives and the way they navigate cities. They aim to make the complex simple, with intuitive user experience, ability to analyse data carefully and have a commitment to understanding their users’ expectations.

Discover Citymapper

Zeelo is a personalised bus service on a mission to make shared transport a viable and safe alternative to car travel. The startup focuses on the peri-urban mobility market (up to 100km) tackling the growing challenges associated with reliance on private car transportation. Zeelo calculated that every journey takes 30 cars off the road and does, therefore, offer a sustainable alternative to transport. Their valuable data allows them to serve routes that traditional operators can’t reach.

Discover Zeelo

JustPark is the solution for parking in the digital era. Parking has been difficult for too long, and JustPark is on a mission to make it simple. Today, the startup helps over 4 million drivers enjoy easier parking saving time, stress and helping to make smarter decisions. The tool also helps some of the biggest names in property to manage their assets more effectively.

Discover JustPark

Headquartered in Cambridge, Wayve is a pioneering artificial intelligence software for self-driving cars. Their unique end-to-end machine learning approach learns to drive in new places more efficiently than competing technology.

Discover Wayve

Founded in 2016, self-driving tech company Five is an expert in science and engineering tackling complex challenges that the automotive and tech industries must solve before the widespread commercialisation of self-driving technology can take place. In 2017, Five attracted UK government support for Streetwise, a project to develop, integrate, test and demonstrate a safe and highly functional self-driving system in London. To date, it has attracted the most investment of any European startup in the sector.

Discover Five

Zenzic is a leader in the move to a safer, more inclusive and productive mobile future. ​The startup is shaping the roadmap and ecosystem for the connected and self-driving future, to position the UK as a world leader in mobility tech. Zenzic was created to accelerate the self-driving revolution in the UK.

Discover Zenzic

Specialists with bike-sharing, Beryl is a passionate team of designers, engineers, researchers and cyclists creating products that tackle the bumps on the road of urban mobility. The startup talks to its community and experts in order to solve real problems with simple, intelligent products, using innovative technology. Beryl believes that getting more people cycling will improve the cities of the future making roads safer, more efficient and going some way to making our world healthier.

Discover Beryl

what3words is a really simple way to talk about location. The clever startup has assigned each 3-meter square in the world a unique 3-word address that will never change. For example ///filled.count.soap marks the exact entrance to what3words’ London headquarters. 3 word addresses are easy to say and share, and are as accurate as GPS coordinates (51.520847, -0.19552100 ←→ /// filled.count.soap). The company aims to become a global standard for communicating location. People use what3words to find their tents at festivals, navigate to B&Bs, and to direct emergency services to the right place.

Discover what3words

Fixter is an innovative solution for car maintenance making it possible to have your car picked up  for free from home or work. Fixter  then select the best local garages for the required maintenance before returning your car to you free of charge, with a 12-month guarantee on all the parts that are replaced. The startup aims to take the hassle out of looking after your car, by providing a complete, affordable, end-to-end service with world-class customer experience and robust insurance.

Discover Fixter

Go Jauntly is a team of nature-loving Londoners and city dwellers who don’t go to the gym, sit at their desks all day for work, have young families and love exploring the local areas. After discussing how hard it is to discover nice places to have a short and long walk in nature, with friends and family, the company wanted to create something that would help them get off their bums and be inspired by the great outdoors. Go Jauntly is an app where you can find local walks and create your own, maintain physical health and mental wellness and share your mini adventures with your friends.

Discover Go Jauntly

Vivacity Labs are revolutionising how transport is managed. Their award-winning artificial intelligence technology gathers data on transport systems, to capture, classify and track live transport usage, 24/7. The company's solutions help cities become smarter, more sustainable and safer using cutting-edge technology. They aim to put AI at the heart of every transport network to make it work better for everyone and has gained attention from notable publications.

Discover Vivacity Labs

VU.CITY provides clarity for the built environment. Combining the power of data with the largest, most accurate 3D digital city models, VU.CITY helps to understand the implications of change in the built environment. The company is currently live in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Brighton and Belfast, with many more to come. By visualising proposed buildings in context, VU.CITY speeds up the planning process substantially. Decisions in relation to height, bulk, townscape, heritage and views can, therefore, be taken around the table, engaging with the design team, the client, consultants and local authority in real-time.

Discover VU.CITY

Oxford Plastic Systems Ltd manufactures safe and simple temporary products that are compliant with street works, utilities and civil sector regulation. Their ranges of plastic barriers, composite trench covers and road plates, fence feet, wheelchair ramps, traffic cones and ground protection mats are used on worksites across the world.

Discover Oxford Plastics
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