Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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How one woman shattered my cynical view of charitable giving
In early 2018 I was Lime’s first hire in Europe, promoting kick scooters at the iconic Galerie Lafayette, there I met the discreetly charismatic Myriam Vander Elst. A word led to another, here we were sharing our perspectives on philanthropy.
Opinion by " Noa Khamallah
The Future of Family Businesses: Trends to watch in 2025 and beyond
Family businesses have long been the backbone of the global economy, contributing significantly to employment, innovation, and economic resilience. As we approach 2025 and beyond, family businesses must adapt to a range of emerging trends to stay competitive, sustainable, and aligned with the expectations of future generations. In this article, we discuss the key trends to watch in 2025.
Opinion by " Alfredo De Massis & Emanuela Rondi
The Future of Family Businesses: Trends to watch in 2025 and beyond
Dealing with the negative effects of success and online visibility from your business
Lea Turner is the founder of The HoLT business community and host of the podcast The HoLT’s Survival Guide for Small Businesses, in this piece she shares some of her experiences since becoming popular on the internet and how you can deal with the online visibility your business can bring you.
Opinion by " Lea Turner
The rise of Community-As-A-Business model and how to make it work
Quietly confident: How introverts can build leadership skills in a loud business world
As an introvert, you’ve probably been given feedback for how to enhance your skills and advance your career, such as "speak early in a meeting to make it clear that you contribute", or been told to network to get to know the right people to benefit your career longer term
Opinion by " Sissel Heiberg
Quietly confident: How introverts can build leadership skills in a loud business world
Preventive Medicine: The key to protecting animal health and safeguarding public health
While humans and nature seem disconnected in modern times, that is not the reality. As the world has recovered from the devastation of a global pandemic, many hope that answers are being looked for to ensure this situation might never occur again. How we can secure our health, as well as the health of all beings on Earth, not only lies not in human health, but that of animals domestic and wild.
Opinion by " Loic Jegou
Preventive Medicine: The key to protecting animal health and safeguarding public health
2024 has shown the power of women in tech’s collective voice
It’s been a funny old year for women in tech. The statistics coming out of the sector have been pretty bleak.
Opinion by " Eleanor Kaye
The value of cross-cultural mentorships in tech
In over 20 years as a working professional in the tech industry across Europe, one of the most consistently rewarding experiences of my career has been the mentor-mentee relationship.
Opinion by " Serhiy Tokarev
The value of cross-cultural mentorships in tech
Breaking the network bias: How data can lead to smarter, more diverse investments
Imagine a world where the next groundbreaking innovation is overlooked because the founder didn’t fit the “typical” VC mold. That’s the reality we risk if we don’t address bias in investment. My cofounder Eva de Mol and I have experienced the power of gender bias firsthand. When raising our first fund, we were met with comments like, “You really need a man on your team,” and “Real men like numbers and women don’t”.
Opinion by " Janneke Niessen
Breaking the network bias: How data can lead to smarter, more diverse investments
Why we need a food revolution: Democratising nutrition for a healthier society and planet
The democratisation of healthy and sustainable food is no longer an idealistic aspiration - it is a moral, social and environmental imperative. Equitable access to nutritious and environmentally responsible food options must transcend barriers of income, geography and social status.
Opinion by " Azhar Murtuza
Why we need a food revolution: Democratising nutrition for a healthier society and planet
Backing the backbones in B2B: Investing in mission-critical founders
Many of us recall our impulse pandemic purchases—exercise equipment, books, or baking kits that accumulated as we adjusted to much more time at home. Employers behaved in parallel by pouring money into charming collaboration tools, in an effort to keep their suddenly secluded workers engaged.
Opinion by " Dr Torsten Kreindl
Backing the backbones in B2B: Investing in mission-critical founders
Overcoming sceptics: the economic case for climate tech is clear, now the industry needs to show it
Recent political developments will likely impact momentum towards net zero and climate resilience, but it’s not over for climate tech. To survive, startups need better operational data, and more of it, to prove commercial viability and to optimise the tech after development.
Opinion by " Christian Hernandez Gallardo & Nicholas Chadwick
Unlocking the potential of Europe’s tech sector
Europe is facing a brewing crisis in its tech sector. Despite being home to world-class universities and a rich pool of talent, the continent has struggled to produce tech giants comparable to those in the United States and Asia.
Opinion by " Thomas Rubens
Unlocking the potential of Europe’s tech sector
Four reasons why the Spanish tech scene is only just getting started
Spain’s tech scene has experienced a remarkable surge in growth in recent years. The growing number of unicorns, funding rounds (both the number of said rounds and the amount of capital raised), and the levels of foreign investment are all trending in the right direction.
Opinion by " Julio Martínez
Four reasons why the Spanish tech scene is only just getting started
How regenerative products will shape the future of design and manufacturing
New Product Development (NPD) is a crucial driver of innovation and growth, helping companies remain competitive and adapt to changing consumer demands. From increasing market share to driving profitability, the role of NPD in business success is clear. At the same time, the importance of sustainability in business has become increasingly urgent as the climate crisis gains pace.
Opinion by " Professor Chris Harrop OBE
From ‘Do No Harm’ to ‘Make Things Better’: How Regenerative Products Will Shape the Future of Design and Manufacturing 26.11

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