News by Etienne Portais
18 November 2022
18 November 2022
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
3 min

Djaayz, Cathy Guetta's new entrepreneurial adventure

Cathy Guetta and Raphaël Aflalo have announced the launch of Djaayz, a DJ booking platform. In just a few weeks, the app has attracted 2,200 DJs in France. For Maddyness, Cathy Guetta looks back on this adventure.
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

What was the catalyst for creating Djaayz?

During the pandemic, with my partner Raphaël Aflalo we thought about how to help DJs during this difficult time. We also noticed that during this period, house parties were on the increase. Today, you can book a private driver, an instructor or a chef to come to your home, so why not a DJ? Our idea was born: a DJ booking app.

For DJs, it is a way to find new opportunities, to gain visibility, and generate more business... For consumers, the app allows you to find thousands of DJs in just a few clicks.

We also thought about the platform’s use in the B2B sector which frequently needs DJs for their bars, restaurants, corporate events, meetings etc,. And even in the retail sector, which can animate its network and add a human touch with a DJ rather than just creating a playlist.

Does the app insure the DJ in case of cancellation? and conversely, the client in case of a no-show?

If a customer cancels their reservation, there is a sliding scale of compensation based on the date of cancellation. So the DJ will be compensated, and the closer the date is, the larger the compensation will be because the DJ has scheduled the date.

If it is the DJ who cancels, the customer is fully refunded and will be offered other DJs.

What are the major challenges in the MusicTech sector?

The idea of ​​creating Djaayz was obvious to both of us, but the challenge was to develop a digital platform that optimises the negotiation time for DJs (price, duration of sessions, etc.), manages the booking process, payment, etc and also offers ratings of DJs. The result is a platform that disrupts the other options available today. 

On the app, customers get a turnkey solution, the right DJ with a wide style of music. Djaayz makes the process of booking a DJ simple, secure and open to everyone.

Djaayz, Cathy Guetta's new entrepreneurial adventure

The meeting with Raphaël was undoubtedly decisive, how do you work together?

We have been partners for many years in the agency we created 12 years ago (My Love Affair), specialising in campaigns for brands and celebrities (mainly DJs).

The idea of ​​creating Djaayz was obvious to both of us and feels like an evolution of our existing work. I work with Raphaël on the ideas, and with the nightlife scene that I know perfectly. Raphaël develops, innovates and manages the company on a daily basis, we are very complementary.

If you had one piece of advice for entrepreneurs, what would it be?

The main thing for me is knowing how and who to surround yourself with, be passionate and have THE right idea.

Djaayz, Cathy Guetta's new entrepreneurial adventure

Djaayz in numbers:

  • Staff: 22 people including 13 developers
  • DJs who have created their profiles: 2,200 in France and 300 in the UK (where the promotion is not yet launched)
  • Turnover: 50,000 euros in a few weeks
  • Number of bookings via the app: 90 (B2B and B2C)
  • Number of downloads: 3,000 downloads to date
  • Price of DJs: between 200 and 3,000 euros depending on the service
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Photo credit:
© Sandrine Gomez