News by Maddyness UK
21 March 2023
21 March 2023
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes
4 min

How businesses can boost customer and employee loyalty with tree planting

For the International Day of Forests, Maddyness spoke to the team at Treeapp to discover what our readers can do to help increase employee satisfaction, increase sales and tackle climate change. If you’d like to find out more about what Treeapp does, head to the bottom of this article!
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

With the release of the IPCC report, the major UN report on climate change, the message is clear - profitability over sustainability is no longer a viable option. Funding from governments only represents a fraction of what is needed to reach the goals set by the 2015 Paris Agreement - we need companies to step up and take immediate action to tackle climate change.

Today marks the International Day of Forests (21st March), a day proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate and raise awareness on the importance of our forests.

The world is losing forests the size of Iceland, Europe’s second biggest island, every year. Forests are a key nature-based solution, with obvious benefits for the environment (capture carbon, produce oxygen, reduce pollution) but a lesser known fact is the potential for tree planting to boost your bottom line.

How businesses can boost customer and employee loyalty with tree planting

Retain and attract your employees

With recent research revealing that purpose-oriented companies have 40% higher levels of workforce retention than their competitors, sustainability is vital to retain global top talent. By being at the forefront of sustainability, increase productivity as well as employee loyalty. Another research has found that 20% of UK office workers would turn down a job if environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors were not in line with their values. Moreover, almost half of workers want their employers to demonstrate climate and social commitments.

Over half (53%) of employees would choose sustainability as a key factor when making a decision about which company to work for in the UK, jumping to 70% of employees at large U.S companies stating that they were more likely to choose to work at a company with a strong environmental agenda.

Planting a tree for every new employee or to celebrate work anniversaries / birthdays are great opportunities to have a direct impact on the environment as well as increasing employee satisfaction.

How businesses can boost customer and employee loyalty with tree planting

Gain a competitive edge

Companies can also increase revenues by implementing a successful sustainable strategy. Brands have a key role to play in helping customers lead a sustainable lifestyle, with 88% of consumers claiming they want brands to help them make a difference.

Planting trees can be fully tailored to and aligned with the values of each company to showcase the organisation’s growing impact to customers. For example, by partnering with Treeapp, CodeCheck saw a 26% increase in paid subscriptions: demonstrating how effective planting a tree can be at increasing conversions.

As well as increasing loyalty, planting a tree for every product sold, new subscription, app download or newsletter registration can actually boost your brand and sales.

Why tree planting?

Forests have a vital role to play in the fight against climate change. From capturing carbon, reducing pollution, preventing soil-erosion, improving our well-being - the benefits from trees are diverse and long-lasting.

Tree planting also helps with poverty alleviation by providing a range of socio-economic opportunities to local communities, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By planting trees with Treeapp, businesses have a direct social, economical and environmental impact: their tree planting activities contribute to rehabilitating ecosystems in countries where deforestation has been the strongest. Not only do these projects reduce global emissions, supporting these projects also provides sustainable solutions for local communities, by creating jobs and improving livelihoods.

Start your climate journey with Treeapp

As the UN secretary general, António Guterres, said: “Our world needs climate action on all fronts: everything, everywhere, all at once.”

We must come together to reach net-zero as close as possible to 2040 to avoid irreversible damage that would follow a 1.5C rise.

The options for tree planting are limitless - Treeapp will work with your organisation to find the solution that fits your company and determine how you’d like to engage with your different stakeholders via tree planting.

Plant trees easily & automatically using Treeapp’s suite of APIs or Zapier integration. Making an impact has never been this easy: beyond just having a no-code option to integrate tree planting into your business, it works with a whole host of other platforms - making the possibilities almost endless.

You can create a free account on Treeapp today: decide to plant trees monthly and top-it-up manually with one-off payments! Start your sustainable journey! Contact Treeapp at [email protected] to speak with someone from the team!

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