
Turing Fest: where product, growth, and leadership meet.
Connecting founders and leaders in engineering, product, & growth to build better tech

Turing Fest, the only cross-functional tech gathering, will return to Edinburgh on the 9th-10th July 2024 for its 9th edition.
The event will bring together founders and leaders in engineering, product development, and growth to connect, learn, and build better tech together.

Some of the best minds in tech will take to the stage to share their stories and expertise across three tracks: Build (engineering & product), Grow (marketing & revenue), and Lead (people & company-building).
Learn at keynote sessions, speaker roundtables, peer-led “mind meld” and “lunch and learn” sessions. Network at parties, speed networking sessions, and 1-to-1 meetings facilitated by our matchmaking event app. Catch up with old friends, make many new ones; share your story, and learn from the whole community.