

Driving Digital Diversity: Understanding the perceived barriers to a career in technology
The corporate world has made some much needed, significant strides in diversity over recent years. Seven years ago, women occupied only 25% of leadership roles in FTSE 100 companies.
Opinion by " Theresa Palmer
Theresa Palmer
The innovation ceiling: Breaking through barriers to diverse talent and potential
Despite being worth over $1T, having more unicorns than Europe and employing over 2M people, the hard truth of UK tech is the innovation ceiling. We’ve arguably created the most rivalled ecosystem on this side of the Atlantic, but the underutilisation of our resources means there is a real risk of losing that status.
Opinion by " Emma Obanye
Emma Obanye
Building a diverse and skilled tech workforce
In a world where technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, the demand for specialised digital skills has never been higher. Digital skills are required for virtually any job, in any sector. That’s why it has never been more important to level up skills and digital literacy to create a workforce of digital natives, and build the UK’s talent pipeline for the future.
Opinion by " Sheila Flavell CBE
A never-ending struggle: New data reveals that antifeminists outnumber Feminists in the US
New data from consumer predictions consultancy Foresight Factory, highlights the tensions surrounding the concept of Feminism in America today.
Portfolio by " Paul Ferretti
Meabh Quoirin
No pride for tech: majority of LGBTQ+ founders withhold their gender or sexuality
In a first of its kind report from Proud Ventures, data reveals that 75% of LGBTQ+ founders don't reveal either their sexuality or gender identity in the workplace, highlighting the scale of the problem.
News by " Maddyness UK
No pride for tech
Three key benefits of having a diverse workforce
Following Pride Month and the criticism of businesses that changed their logo to the Pride flag without any meaningful action or diversity-led policies, it’s time for organisations to understand the importance of diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices. But if your business has never really focused on equality and diversity, what are those benefits?
Opinion by " Jessica Cooper
Three key benefits of having a diverse workforce
Black Girl Fest announces latest cohort to join its Launchpad programme
Black Girl Fest (BGF), the UK-based programme designed to empower Black women founders and non-binary people to succeed in entrepreneurship, has announced its latest cohort of Black female pioneers to join its prestigious Launchpad programme.
News by " Maddyness UK
Black Girl Fest announces the latest cohort of Black female pioneers to join its prestigious Launchpad programme
Five ways to enhance diversity through workplace design
One of the big learnings from the global pandemic for the world of work and workplace was the need for greater social equity, diversity and inclusion. Different groups of employees had different experiences during lockdown depending on their race, gender, age and ability. Inequalities came to the fore during the coronavirus crisis in way that has made many companies today prioritise the needs of employees from a range of different backgrounds.
Tools by " Jeremy Myerson
Five ways to enhance diversity through workplace design
Diversity in data is more than an intellectual challenge - it’s a very human one
Businesses rely on data to make decisions every day. Good data can be the difference between being guesswork and intelligence – it can drive strategy and help shape brands’ products and image. However, data is only useful in the context of the rules we create.
Opinion by " Matt Andrew
How we speak about diversity matters – we do unintended harm when we ignore this
Playfair Capital, Tech Nation, and Google for Startups announce Edition VII of Europe-wide Female Founder Office Hours
The seventh edition of the Europe-wide Female Founders Office Hours brings 125 venture capital funds together with an aim to address the gender imbalance in capital fundraising.
News by " Maddyness UK
Playfair Capital, Tech Nation, and Google for Startups announce Edition VII of Europe-wide Female Founder Office Hours
New report reveals the most effective strategies for boosting diversity in tech
An annual benchmarking report from 580 tech employers highlights how investment in D&I data systems, setting and measuring D&I targets, and gathering employee feedback are making a tangible difference to driving diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.
News by " Maddyness UK
Tech Talent Charter annual Diversity in Tech report reveals the most effective strategies for boosting ethnic and gender diversity in the sector
Why women must shape the products of the future for an inclusive and fairer society
Less than 8% of C-Levels in Product Teams are occupied by women. To change this, the startup 50inTech is launching “Wannabe a CPO” a virtual Bootcamp on the 16-18 of February to help women in product level up to reach the top. Caroline Ramade, founder of 50inTech and member of the UN Women French Committee, believes that women must equally co-shape the products of the future.
News by " Caroline Ramade
How we speak about diversity matters – we do unintended harm when we ignore this
The language we use to describe ourselves and others has the power to attract, and alienate – the latter often unintentionally, and even when such descriptors come from a place of progress.
Opinion by " Eleanor Kaye, Lara Pawade and Lisa Shu
How we speak about diversity matters – we do unintended harm when we ignore this
5 steps to tackle your board's diversity problem the right way
Boardrooms conjure up images of older, middle-class white men. When you look at the statistics, it’s easy to see why.
Portfolio by " Khyati Sundaram
5 steps to tackle your board's diversity problem the right way

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