

The UK government must do way more for women and POC startups following the HNWI fiasco
The government's recent policy reversal around access to funding for women and persons of colour start-ups is good news. But it remains nothing short of shocking that we got there in the first place.
Opinion by " Freddie-Nicolle Brace
Freddie-Nicolle Brace
Empowering Financial Inclusion: Celebrating the Women Driving Fintech Innovation
Fintech continues to break down barriers to create a financially inclusive world, especially for women. As we celebrate International Women's Day 2024, with the theme of "Inspire Inclusion," the spotlight is on the sector’s potential to make financial services more accessible and equitable.
Opinion by " Georgia Hanias
Female Foundry releases the State of Gender Diversity in European Venture report 2024
Despite the challenging fundraising environment, female founders and female emerging fund managers in Europe prove resilient.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Agata Nowicka
Taking down the old tree: New study from Antler shows the scale of the challenge women face when fundraising
Female founders are facing gender bias when raising funding from European angels and VCs, according to new research released by Antler, the most active private early stage investor in Europe.
News by " Paul Ferretti
The lingering odour of sexism: 72% of women in tech have experienced sexism
Research has revealed that 72% of women in tech roles agree that they have experienced some form of sexism when working in the industry highlighting a widespread toxic culture.
Portfolio by " Paul Ferretti
Boost change and carbon transparency: An interview with Camille Pêtre
Paul Ferretti spoke to Camille Pêtre, co-founder of Women in Carbon and CFO at BeZero Carbon, about women in business, voluntary carbon market and changing company culture.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Camille Petre
Nurture Network, amplifying the voice of women and underrepresented people
Ahead of the Nurture Network's 'Lean In, Lift Up' conference on the 14th of November, we spoke to Marie-Claire Frederick, Founder of Nurture Network, about amplifying the voices of underrepresented people, networking and the importance of having a mentor.
Portfolio by " Marie-Claire Frederick
Nurture Network
How can startups change the menopause for good?
Menopause is a market ripe for innovation, and startups are beginning to chase this opportunity internally and externally. While there are significant challenges to tackling the issue, brands that choose to sideline menopause as a ‘women’s issue’ rather than a business issue will miss out.
Opinion by " Heather Jackson & Sam Simister
How can startups change the menopause for good?
Fundraising event for female founders to go ahead next month
A fundraising event for female founders across the UK will take place in November. Playfair Capital, Tech Nation and Google for Startups will launch their Female Founders Office Hours initiative, bringing together 300 female founders ready to make connections and fundraise.
News by " Abby Wallace
Fundraising event for women founders to go ahead next month
New programme Beyond HERizons targets funding gap to support female founders
A large funding gap exists in the investment landscape between male and female founders, with only 2% of startup funding in the UK going to female-only founding teams.
News by " Kirstie Pickering
New programme Beyond HERizons supports female founders to close the funding gap
Women business owners struggle to operate during pandemic
New research conducted by Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) has found that 61% of women business owners have found operating a business during the pandemic a struggle.
News by " Kirstie Pickering
22 female founders, VCs and leaders share their top tips for aspiring female entrepreneurs
The twists and turns that come with the quest to become a successful female entrepreneur can be unpredictable, confusing and immense hard work, but the potential fruits of such labour keeps the drive alive.
Tools by " Kirstie Pickering
Beyond HERizons launches inaugural cohort to tackle gender investment gap
Blossom Capital: Nominate an inspiring female colleague to win a holiday!
As International Women’s Day on March 8 approaches, what better way to show your appreciation for your favourite female colleague than nominating them to win a holiday?
News by " Maddyness UK
Blossom Capital: Nominate an inspiring female colleague to win a holiday!
NatWest and Getty Images partner to improve the representation of female entrepreneurs
Despite female entrepreneurship being celebrated more than ever before, the diverse range of industries in which founders are thriving are considerably less reported on.
News by " Kirstie Pickering
NatWest and Getty Images partner to improve the representation of female entrepreneurs

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