27-11-2017 12:00 27-11-2017 12:00 Europe/Paris3DEXPERIENCE Lab RENDEZ-VOUSThe Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Lab RENDEZ-VOUS is an exclusive meet-up and DemoDay of world-class startups and insiders from Hardware, Health and Bio Tech, Robotics, Energy, Mobility, 3DPrinting, VR/AR domains and more... innovation in the Age of Experience.
Registration mandatory : [email protected]20 Rue Quentin-Bauchart Paris
The Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Lab RENDEZ-VOUS is an exclusive meet-up and DemoDay of world-class startups and insiders from Hardware, Health and Bio Tech, Robotics, Energy, Mobility, 3DPrinting, VR/AR domains and more... innovation in the Age of Experience.
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