We bring together some of the smartest, coolest, and exciting people to help you find your next partner.
19:00 - 19:15: Welcome
19:15 - 19:45 : 1 minute pitch for 2 projects*
19:45 - 21:00 : mingling
We hope to meet you soon,
The Cantillon Team.
*Register to The Founder Finder facebook group and post 30sec creative video (english or french) to tell the community why you launch this project, the videos with the higher number of likes will pitch at the event: https://www.facebook.com/groups/124286608350915/
What is the cantillon?
- We create successful entrepreneurs and companies. And, we have a lot of experience.
- We train new entrepreneurs, help them develop solutions to interesting problems, and then launch their best ideas.
- We are a team of highly-educated, international, serial entrepreneurs and we mentor our teams to greatness.
Who should attend this event?
- Unlike accelerators, we start with people first. We don't choose ideas or companies; we choose great individuals.
- We value diversity in age, nationality, gender, and industry—not only technology.
- We focus for sustainability and fundamentals—we don't aim only for funding and exits.
- We want you to control your destiny.
What should I expect from this event?
- Meet your next co-founder.
- Meet successful entrepreneurs and motivated first time entrepreneurs like you.
- Hear the real experience of some of the entrepreneurs we teach and coach, their success, challenges and what the Cantillon really helped them with.
- Learn what The Cantillon is, its unique program and methodology, its application process and timing.
- A cheerful and motivational ambiance.