Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine, débutez l'année avec une nouvelle morning routine, découvrez pourquoi vous n'investirez pas dans la prochaine licorne et apprenez à impressionner les personnes qui croisent votre chemin.

Withings, victime collatérale du conflit Apple-Nokia sur les brevets


Apple a déréférencé les produits Withings de sa boutique en ligne. Une façon de faire pression sur Nokia, maison-mère de Withings, qui l'a attaqué pour non-respect de brevets. Lire la suite sur L'usine digitale.

Research-Backed Ways to Impress Anyone in Two Seconds

Say you have a big pitch coming up. You make an impressive agenda, put together a killer deck, and practice answering hard questions. But there’s a problem. This is all focused on the middle and end of your pitch, and it skips over the most important part: the first two seconds.And if you don’t nail those, guess what? Your hard work is irrelevant. Lire la suite sur

This Morning Routine will Save You 20+ Hours Per Week


The traditional 9–5 workday is poorly structured for high productivity. Perhaps when most work was physical labor, but not in the knowledge working world we now live in. Although this may be obvious based on people’s mediocre performance, addiction to stimulants, lack of engagement, and the fact that most people hate their jobs?—?now there’s loads of scientific evidence you can’t ignore. Lire la suite sur Medium

Why you probably won’t invest in the next unicorn


Value creation in enterprise tech is often driven by a cohort of exits, while value creation in consumer tech is generally driven by large, individual exits — a phenomenon I recently dug into. What the data revealed is that, in recent years, there is a trend of larger consumer exits, such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. And if this trend continues, that’s very good news for consumer-oriented funds. Lire la suite sur TechCrunch.

Why we need speechbots to answer the phone

Industry and media attention have focused on chatbots for digital channels. However, speech bots that answer phone calls could have a greater impact on customer service. First, because phone remains one of the most popular customer service channels, and companies should be doing all they can to meet customers where they prefer to interact. Sixty-eight percent of Americans owned smartphones in 2015, making the phone prime real estate for evolving customer engagement technologies that should not be overshadowed by flashier channels and platforms. Lire la suite sur VentureBeat

New York City Wants Uber To Hand Over Passengers’ Trip Data

New York City wants Uber to share information with it about where drivers pick up and drop off riders. Uber doesn’t want to, and ? for the most part ? it has a pretty solid case, one it presented at a hearing Thursday, after inviting the public to lobby on its behalf Monday with a scary email sent to riders titled “The government wants to know where you’re headed … on every ride.” Lire la suite sur le Huffington Post.