Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine, la blockchain pourrait bouleverser l'industrie de la musique, Elon Musk serait un voyageur du futur et la ruée vers l'or des apps mobiles pourrait bien être terminée.

Blockchain could completely transform the music industry


Digital music really could use some help. Industry revenues are dipping due to piracy and illegal use of content. Singers and composers are being short-changed by music companies and streaming services. And business models built upon patterns and practices dating back to early 20th century, decades before the invention of digital and online services, are fueling a lot of bad will. But a number of blockchain innovators are forging new solutions that could knock down inefficient intermediaries standing in the way and enable musicians to transact easily and directly with audiences. Lire la suite sur VentureBeat.

Elon Musk est-il un voyageur du futur ?


Je viens de terminer un livre qui m’a convaincu qu’Elon Musk, le célèbre CEO de Tesla et SpaceX, est un voyageur du futur perdu dans notre époque. Que ses actions nous révèlent ce qu’il connaît de notre avenir immédiat. Lire la suite sur le Medium de Lionel Dricot.

The mobile app gold rush may be over


Ten years ago, Apple announced the iPhone, which soon gave birth to the App Store and the resulting broader app ecosystem. That industry has now matured, having reached critical mass, according to a new report from Flurry out this morning. While there’s still some growth to be seen – app usage is up 11 percent over last year, for example – that growth is slowing. And many app categories are now growing at the expense of others, when before, all were growing in tandem. Lire la suite sur TechCrunch.

Which Round Will Be The Hardest To Raise In 2017 ?


The fundraising market is in flux. The data indicates that it is certainly reverting to the mean after two record years in 2014 and 2015. Late stage market dynamics are changing as hedge funds and mutual funds seek other areas to invest. In 2017, there will be a lot of comparison between the prices public bound companies fetch at IPO compared to the last round private valuations as the public window opens. Given all that change, which early round will be the hardest to raise for founders in 2017 ? Lire la suite sur le blog de Tom Tungunz, VC.

Silicon Valley’s rank and file prepare to fight Trump

recode trump

“Secret meeting? Secret meeting?” prompted a graying engineer as he waved people clad in hoodies, plaid collars and side-mullets into an office building in the SoMa district of San Francisco Friday night. Not that the meeting was strictly secret — it had been advertised openly on Twitter. This was the second gathering of Tech Solidarity, a group of tech employees concerned about President-elect Donald Trump and what his administration may require of Silicon Valley companies, like creating a Muslim registry. Lire la suite sur REcode.

Google abandonne son projet de drones Internet

ZDNet On le sait, les géants du Web multiplient les projets pour offrir Internet aux populations qui en sont privées. Louable objectif mais parfois la réalité économique et technologique se heurte aux bonnes intentions. C'est visiblement le cas pour Alphabet (Google) qui a décidé d'abandonner son projet de drones solaires. Lire la suite sur ZDnet.