Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction. 

12 months a VC. A message to Entrepreneurs about Fund raising and Ambition


Duh. Thanks for the head up, LinkedIn. So, I’ve been a Venture Capitalist for a full year!? Time is flying for VCs as fast as it does for Entrepreneurs! “How different is it to be a VC?” “Are you happy to be a VC?

Over these 12 fast flying months, I’ve heard these questions many times. Short answer: It’s terrific. It’s absolutely fantastic. It’s huge. We have the greatest job in the world. It’s true. I became a VC because the mission is both exciting and useful; I became a VC in France because the French ecosystem is poised for massive success; and I became a VC at Elaia Partners because I love the focus, the performance and the values of this awesome team. 12 months down the road, I’ve been disappointed by none of the above. Lire la suite sur le compte Medium de Marc Rougier

Y Combinator now lets anyone recommend startups


After years of accepting tips from alumni, Y Combinator has decided to open up its recommendation network to everyone. The goal is to help increase the number of startups connected to YC by allowing professors, mentors, early customers and anyone else familiar with a team to submit recommendations to YC on their behalf.

Kat Manalac, a partner at YC, explained that a lot of founders are afraid to apply to the program because they fear they are either too far along or not far along enough to be accepted. YC wants to help founders, who might be on the fence about applying, commit to trying. Manalac added that a number of teams accepted to YC credit mentors and investors with convincing them to apply. Lire la suite sur TechCrunch

Actors, teachers, therapists – think your job is safe from artificial intelligence? Think again


In the battle for the 21st century workplace, computers are winning. And the odds of us puny humans making a comeback are not very good. A January 2017 report from the McKinsey Global Institute estimated that roughly half of today’s work activities could be automated by 2055, give or take 20 years. (McKinsey helpfully offers a search portal to find out how likely you’ll be given the boot by a bot.) Lire la suite sur The Guardian

Le vocabulaire pour comprendre l'intelligence artificielle

L'Intelligence artificielle est une science qui fait appel à une terminologie propre ou empruntée à d'autres sciences ou disciplines. Voici la définition des termes et expressions principales utilisées dans l'IA. Lire la suite sur le Journal du Net

Du B2C au B2B : le grand virage des fintechs


Face à des investisseurs plus frileux, les fintechs occidentales s'adressant initialement au grand public se tournent désormais vers le marché B2B pour proposer aux acteurs traditionnels de nouvelles solutions technologiques permettant d'améliorer l'expérience des clients finaux. Un glissement qui ne s'observe pas sur le marché asiatique, où le système bancaire traditionnel y est beaucoup moins développé. Explications. Lire la suite sur l'Usine Digitale