Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction.

"Sur Internet, nous travaillons tous, et la pénibilité de ce travail est invisible"

Quel est le point commun entre le moment où vous remontez votre fil Facebook, celui où vous regardez des vidéos sur YouTube et lorsque vous cherchez des photos de chatons sur Google ? Dans les trois cas, vous l'ignorez sans doute, vous êtes en train de travailler. Sur Internet, les grandes plateformes numériques américaines font tout pour capter notre attention et notre temps, nous offrant des services toujours plus sophistiqués pour communiquer, voyager, nous informer, ou tout simplement consommer. Lire la suite sur Le Monde

A multi-ethnic group of college age students are putting together large puzzle pieces.

Why Investors Are Bullish Again on (Some) Sharing Economy Startups

Remember "Winter is coming" and "unicorpses"? Homejoy and Spoonrocket may be dead, but rumors of a broader die-off among sharing economy and on-demand startups has proved to be exaggerated. Yes, last year capital flowing into the (admittedly hazily defined) sector was down 35 percent from 2015 levels, while the number of deals fell 25 percent, from 375 to 282, according to the analysts at CB Insights. But 2017 is looking like a different story. The sector's winning startups are going strong -- strong enough, in fact, that investors want to fork over more cash. Lire la suite sur

Happy young woman saving money in a piggybank - home finances concepts

Being an Entrepreneur Means Finding Profit in Your Passion

My dad left his job as a computer engineer to be a dog trainer when I was young. He taught me that being an entrepreneur is following your passion and finding a profit in it. You spend 70% of your life at work, you better love what you do. Now even on the most challenging days, I’m happy. Lire la suite sur

Texas holdem hand showing a ace and a king on table with stacks of one hundred dollar bills in ten thousand dollar bundles and poker chips.  The shot is a macro shot with focus on the ace.  This can be used to illustrate, gambling, risk, winning, success, casino, poker tournaments, etc.  Please see my portfolio for other gambling images.

Artificial Intelligence Is Powerful Stuff, But Difficult To Scale To Real-Life Business

We now know that artificial intelligence (AI) can play a winning game of poker. But, alas, poker is a game of deceit, where one needs to remain calm and hold back any traces of emotions. In today's workplaces, it also helps to remain calm and hold back on emotions -- to an extent. But how many successful business leaders go through their days with constant poker faces? Lire la suite sur Forbes

Harrassed woman moving his hand away. She wears ring.

Can Data Help Solve Silicon Valley’s Harassment Problem?

Could part of the answer to Uber’s sexual harassment problem be under Travis Kalanick’s pugnacious nose? As Susan Fowler’s eloquent recent post pointed out, one of the many problems in reporting sexual harassment at a company is asymmetry of information. The company knows whether a particular person (whether an employee, customer, or contractor) has been reported for harassing behavior. Those experiencing harassment often don’t. Lire la suite sur la page Medium de Terra Terwilliger

Two cool friend taking selfie

Are Teenagers Replacing Drugs With Smartphones?

Amid an opioid epidemic, the rise of deadly synthetic drugs and the widening legalization of marijuana, a curious bright spot has emerged in the youth drug culture: American teenagers are growing less likely to try or regularly use drugs, including alcohol. With minor fits and starts, the trend has been building for a decade, with no clear understanding as to why. Lire la suite sur le New York Times