Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction.

Sur Amazon Turk, les forçats du clic

Il n’est pas encore 6 heures. Le visage de Marie Mento se dessine dans la ­lumière de l’écran de son ordinateur. Dans sa banlieue proprette du New ­Jersey, une tasse de café à la main, elle fait défiler les tâches qui lui sont proposées. Transcrire une vidéo de 35 secondes, 5 cents. Ecrire la description commerciale d’un produit, 12 cents. Noter des photos d’hommes pour un site de rencontres, 3 cents. Répondre à une étude scientifique, 10 cents. Lire la suite sur Le Monde


'Snap' to It: 5 Tips to Improve Your Snapchat Marketing

When Snapchat first took the mobile world by storm, most people assumed it was just another teenage fad. Six years and a $16 billion valuation later, one of the most talked-about IPOs to date has since made it clear that Snapchat’s influence goes far beyond silly pictures. For businesses that use social media to interact with consumers, Snapchat presents opportunities no other platforms can replicate. Whether your company's goal is recruiting new talent, engaging current employees or marketing to the masses, Snapchat has something for everyone. Lire la suite sur

Inception 2

Google Reveals Automatic Machine Learning: A.I. Can Create Itself

This month Google revealed a major new approach to A.I. development that seems to call out to the most sensational and apocalyptic predictions in all of science fiction. Called “AutoML” for “auto-machine learning,” it allows one A.I. to become the architect of another, and direct its development without the need for input from a human engineer. On the surface, that sounds like the sort of thing that could lead to the runaway evolution of the singularity, but it’s actually Google’s bid to put the incredible power of machine learning in the hands of ordinary humans. Lire la suite sur Inverse

Facebook 2

Revealed: Facebook's internal rulebook on sex, terrorism and violence

Facebook’s secret rules and guidelines for deciding what its 2 billion users can post on the site are revealed for the first time in a Guardian investigation that will fuel the global debate about the role and ethics of the social media giant. The Guardian has seen more than 100 internal training manuals, spreadsheets and flowcharts that give unprecedented insight into the blueprints Facebook has used to moderate issues such as violence, hate speech, terrorism, pornography, racism and self-harm. There are even guidelines on match-fixing and cannibalism. Lire la suite sur The Guardian


Les extraterrestres ? C’est pour bientôt !

Depuis qu’on a découvert des milliers d’exoplanètes, dont plusieurs dizaines situées dans des zones potentiellement habitables, les scientifiques ne se demandent plus si une autre forme de vie existe dans l’univers, mais plutôt comment la détecter. La probabilité que la vie ait émergé dans l’univers ailleurs que sur Terre n’a jamais été aussi forte. Comme le dit l’astronome Sylvestre Maurice, "penser que la vie ait pu se développer ailleurs que sur Terre, même si c’est évident, c’est presque un acte de foi. Par contre, le jour où nous aurons trouvé les traces d’une forme de vie extraterrestre, ça deviendra une statistique." Lire la suite sur Usbek & Rica

Why I Launched My Startup Without Social Media (and You Should Too)

When I launched my online course in 2014, I faced the same dilemma all lean startups do: how to market my business and get the word out without breaking the bank. I was coming off unpaid maternity leave with my two-year-old when we learned that my husband's job was slated for cuts. We didn't know how soon time would run out. I had $300 left in my bank account and had just hired my first virtual assistant with no idea how to pay her. As I sat at my computer with my phone on airplane mode (to avoid calls from concerned friends and family members who wanted to know if I was sure my startup, Baby Got Booked, was a good idea), I realized something social media experts don't like to talk about. Lire la suite sur