Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
Our selection All the Opinions
Redefining finance: How embedded finance is set to help banks to resume their original mission — to the benefit of startups and SMEs
Europe is in a lending crunch, and SMEs are bearing the brunt of it. Although SMEs make up the backbone of the European economy, accounting for a staggering 64.4% of EU employment, 73% of SMEs say they can’t even secure a meeting with their bank and that a quarter of all SMEs say that lenders don’t understand their business. There’s really a quite simple explanation to this – the typical SME isn’t the ideal loan candidate for the typical high-street bank, and hasn’t been for a long time.
Opinion by " Olle Lundin
Redefining finance: How embedded finance is set to help banks to resume their original mission — to the benefit of startups and SMEs
Thinking of doing PoCs with big brands? Let's rethink that...
As a founder, there's a certain allure to landing big brands as early customers. It feels like a major validation that your product has mass appeal. Many founders, myself included, assume the natural path ‘in’ is through a pilot or proof of concept (PoC). Get your foot in, show them how fabulous you are and boom - banging the door down for more, am I right?
Opinion by " Dan Bowyer
Thinking of doing PoCs with big brands? Let's rethink that...
Why more SMEs are hiring a part-time CPO
Chief Product Officers aren’t just found in big businesses anymore. These experienced specialists lead innovation across a company’s entire portfolio of products and services. They guide and execute the product development strategy from idea to execution with a customer-centric approach delivering revenue and growth.
Opinion by " Sara Daw
Why more SMEs are hiring a part-time CPO
Climate Fintech’s scorecard: Germany goes top but Europe beating the US is the real story
Once a niche off-shoot of the fintech scene, climate fintech - simply understood as fintechs enabling decarbonisation - has emerged as an established and much-needed global sector. Attracting annual investments of $2.3B in 2023, climate fintechs are providing vital solutions businesses urgently need to support their climate transition
Opinion by " Paul Morgenthaler
Climate Fintech’s scorecard: Germany goes top but Europe beating the US is the real story
Four tried and tested PR strategies for deep tech startup success
Deep tech describes technological innovations at the cutting-edge of science and engineering. These early-stage businesses often have the underlying potential to overcome major industry challenges, and even flip an entire space on its head if successful.
Opinion by " Connor Mitchell
Four tried and tested PR strategies for deep tech startup success
The innovation ceiling: Breaking through barriers to diverse talent and potential
Despite being worth over $1T, having more unicorns than Europe and employing over 2M people, the hard truth of UK tech is the innovation ceiling. We’ve arguably created the most rivalled ecosystem on this side of the Atlantic, but the underutilisation of our resources means there is a real risk of losing that status.
Opinion by " Emma Obanye
Emma Obanye
Lessons to learn from victims of fake job ads
Job hunting can feel like navigating a maze – and is often a full-time job itself. With many organisations conducting yet more rounds of layoffs, more people are seeking their next opportunity.
Opinion by " Dr Jessica Barker MBE
Lessons to learn from victims of fake job ads
How AI is curing many companies’ ESG headaches, or not
We have many problems in the sustainability industry. I remember the days when finding data was like going on a scavenger hunt that often resulted in nothing. We used search engines to look for specific data and statistics, but the ESG specific terminology that can be used by different industries and in different contexts, usually resulted in irrelevant search results.
Opinion by " Ildiko Almasi Simsic
How AI is curing many companies’ ESG headaches, or not
Why I’ve angel invested over £50K in “Intersectional Incredibles”
It’s become a sexy term, and will always play an important role in the startup ecosystem. Angel investing continues to be a rewarding journey - and to be told ‘you’re such an angel’, has a very specific meaning for me. I will unpack my thesis and approach for any cheque I write. This culminates in founders who balance depth of innovation, degree of impact, and their direct experiences from intersectionality. These 3 ‘i’s make them investible “intersectional incredibles”, and is why I’m launching iiF by i³ investing.
Opinion by " Christian Tooley
Why I’ve angel invested over £50K in “Intersectional Incredibles”
Exploring Gen Z trends shaping European bus tours and travel approaches
In today's rapidly evolving world, the landscape of travel and tourism is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the unique preferences and expectations of Generation Z.
Opinion by " Dmytro Yaremkovych
Dmytro Yaremkovych
Great design is now table stakes; where does branding go next?
A well-designed brand identity is no longer a nice to have, but a fundamental for any new business. Every entrepreneur knows that while product matters, design sells.
Opinion by " Alex Center
Alex Center
The importance of stakeholder collaboration in bolstering corporate sustainability
As the world grapples with the adverse impacts of climate change, businesses are increasingly finding themselves under scrutiny for their environmental and social sustainability.
Opinion by " Clare Galland
Clare Galland
Should companies be using the social media app Threads?
Meta did a great job launching Threads last summer: the teasers, the waitlist, the ‘number’ assigned to your profile signifying when you became part of the community... It was all very exciting.
Opinion by " Elisah van Allen
Should companies be using the social media app Threads?
The UK government must do way more for women and POC startups following the HNWI fiasco
The government's recent policy reversal around access to funding for women and persons of colour start-ups is good news. But it remains nothing short of shocking that we got there in the first place.
Opinion by " Freddie-Nicolle Brace
Freddie-Nicolle Brace

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