Should you ‘protect’ your free time from the demands of your job?
British workers are more stressed, more overworked and taking less holidays than ever.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
How to improve your personal brand if you work in tech
UK workers now spend a large part of their day on meaningless tasks
A lot of buzzwords get thrown around about work these days. Quiet quitting, for example, is a pandemic era trend around doing the bare minimum - older generations would likely have known it as work to rule.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
How to improve your personal brand if you work in tech
In today’s globalised job-seeking market, tech candidates need to stand out from the crowd more than ever.
Tools by " Amanda Kavanagh
How to improve your personal brand if you work in tech
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
While there’s no disputing AI’s impact on the job market, the human versus computer narrative surrounding AI entirely replacing humans feels slightly premature.
Tools by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
Traditionally, your salary was the barometer by which success was measured, whether you worked on a factory floor or dictated orders from a swanky corner office.
News by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
How to step into a role with more responsibility
When offered a post with more responsibility, it’s natural to feel a range of things, from excitement to overwhelm. And yet amid these mixed emotions, there is clear opportunity; a chance to further your career while making tangible changes that have a positive, lasting impact.
News by " Amanda Kavanagh
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
Half of job seekers have experienced negative bias when applying for roles
Despite all the talk and focus of companies on DE&I, a new survey reveals that half (50.73%) of job seekers have encountered negative bias during the application process.
News by " Amanda Kavanagh
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
Law and Talent: Employers of contract workers face legal risks 
UK employers risk further financial penalties as hiring managers don't feel adequately equipped to address contingent worker employment laws, suggest new findings from Cpl’s Talent Evolution Group.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Aine Fanning
23% of UK workers did not use their full annual leave allowance last year
You’ve responded to all urgent emails, have shared your handover document regarding outstanding work with your colleagues and have set your OOO… it’s officially holiday time.
News by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
From wobble rooms to title inflation: what’s in and out in the workplace in 2024
Forget New Year’s resolutions, this year the in and out list has taken over and everyone from influencers to your local coffee shop has been curating what’s on their hotlist for the year ahead.
Opinion by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 5
These are the 5 most lucrative jobs in UK tech right now
Through the lens of a hiring perspective, the UK’s rapidly growing technology industry can be seen as a victim of its own success. Growth at pace has led to a shortage of skilled tech talent here, especially in areas such as software development, data science, and cybersecurity, according to new salary data.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
Elon Musk predicts robots will take over work. Is he right?
Picture the scene… you awake to a fresh cup of your preferred caffeinated beverage on your nightstand. After some guided yoga, you find your shower is already running and your clothes have been laid out. If you’re heading to the office that day, your personal chauffeur is already ensconced in your EV, waiting to take you to your destination.
News by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
How to create a 5-year plan you'll actually stick to
Do you love what you do? Have you ever thought about doing something else entirely? When making a five-year plan, it’s essential to conduct a career audit to identify what is working in your career and what isn’t, and sometimes that includes accepting that you’re not on the right path and need to adjust things in order to get the job you really want.
Tools by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
London is one of the best global locations for your tech career
Guy Fawkes is over and we’re on the rundown to Christmas. That means lots of UK workers are thinking about that much-needed festive break – but also what their life and work might look like in 2024.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money

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